Monday, July 13, 2009

Organized Chaos

I have an online friend Heather is calling her homeschool "School of Order and Chaos" and today I spent the day trying to bring order to some of our homeschool chaos.

We are planning to use My Father's World for both Kindy (J) and Exploring Countries and Cultures (E and G). So today I spent the day organizing my files for MFW K. I have a file for each week and in it I am putting all the things that have to do with that week. I still have some work to do on these but they are coming along nicely. I have gone through most of my files and school resources to find things that fit with the themes for the week. I was amazed at how much we have and at how much fun I think it will be.

I have been looking at the idea of workboxes but I am not so sure that idea is going to work for us. I am still reading and trying to wrap my mind around it. One thing the idea has inspired me to do is actually relocate all our misc homeschooling material into one area. My reasoning is that if it is in one area then I will be able to get to it and it will make planning easier. So I spent a part of today pulling out the various manipulative's that I have for each subject and grouping them together and then trying to figure out the best area to store to them. I am still working on that. We are contemplating turning our guest bedroom (with no bed) into a school room. I am just not sure how that is going to work. So I am still thinking.

I will try to post some photos once I get it all settled in place.


Sherri said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. It looks like we have some things in common - we definitely read the same books. Hope you don't mind if I lurk on your blog a little, especially as I'm in the process of getting organized before we begin homeschooling officially this year.

Robin said...

Sherri, Lurk all you want. I am hoping that maybe tomorrow will be the day that I get some more organzing done and can get some photos of our new schoolroom posted. I am really excited about the set up but just haven't had time to put it all together.

Deb said...


This is my first visit to your blog.


It sounds like you're making great progress in getting organized.

No, I'm not normally awake so late at night...just too much chocolate.